"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there..."

— Matthew 18:20

Communal prayer is just as important and powerful as individual prayer. There is strength in brothers and sisters getting together to PRAY and to encounter God’s presence. In this guide you will learn how to start your prayer meeting. You can use this guide to start your home, work, school, church, or online prayer gathering. Let’s start: 


What is your why? It’s so important that you get others around you excited. There is nothing more exciting than a clear vision. When thinking about your vision ask yourself what problem are you solving as you get people together in prayer. How would your workplace, home, church, school grow as you step out in faith, creating a space for people to encounter God’s presence together?

Get Leaders On-Board Early

Too often we separate people of prayer from the rest of our congregations: “Oh that’s not my thing” or “That’s for the elders.” Truly all of us have a groan in our spirit  to see God move in and around us. All of us long for more, and as we create safe, creative spaces for prayer, our identities as sons and daughters begin to awaken in our hearts. We learn to just come into his presence. When Planting Prayer:

  • Church Prayer Room: Get your pastors & staff on board. If your leaders aren't praying, how will your congregation get on board?

  • Homes: Get your children to lead prayer, invite family members to be a part. 

  • School: You will be surprised how many people on your campus are in need of a place to breathe, inhale and exhale, and to create – not to mention how many Christ-minded friends you will find to help you reach hearts. 

  • Workplace: Create a signup sheet for people to sign up to lead or manage the time or space. You are protected by the constitution to express your religion.


3 Roles

So often we try to do things on our own and it's so easy to get discouraged. Here are 3 important roles to have in your prayer meeting. 

  • Worship: Worship prepares our hearts in amazing ways. If you don't have a skilled musician you can play worship songs on a device and create space for people to contemplate and worship God.

  • Prayer Leader: As a Prayer Leader your responsibility is not to pray the whole time or preach a sermon. Your responsibility is to create constant invitations for people to join in prayer with you – to guide the people through the hour. Encourage participation from others around you. Pray Scriptures (Hebrews 4:12) and create a plan with prayer points to shape the time.

  • Host/Room Manager: The online host or room manager is responsible to make sure all the technicalities are handled. They are the “Roadblock Removers.”

  • Online Host: Responsible for operating the meeting, letting people in, copying and pasting the prayer leader’s notes and scriptures, and helping people join in.

  • Room Managers: Responsible for the room temperature, lighting, slides, set up, and tear down of the room.    

Time and Place

Consistency is one of the most important things in developing a prayer meeting. It takes time for people to understand their need for corporate prayer, and knowing where to go and the times available makes this easier.

  • TIME: Have consistent times available for people to attend. 

  • PLACE: Have a designated place to meet. 


Prayer should be easy and enjoyable. We are speaking to our heavenly Father, he knows the groans, desires, cries of our heart. Keep it simple: We don’t need to complicate things, we simply need to come before him. Keep it up: don’t give up praying – he is ready to hear. 

Room Setting

Be creative. The Bible talks about the Garden of Eden, a place where Adam spoke to God daily. When we read about the Garden of Eden, our minds are awakened to imagine and wonder how beautiful it was. The Prayer Room should feel, sound, and smell like a unique place where people can simply come in and embrace the Father’s love for them. (Prayer Room guide coming soon.) 


Rev. 3:20 – Jesus is Knocking, they just have to open the door. Trust that God is with you and working on your behalf.  


Pete Greig “Red Moon Rising”, “A Simple Guide for Normal People”

Judy Fentress- William “Holy Imagination” 

Mike Bibkle “Growing in Prayer” 

Corey Russel “ Teach us to Pray”